Environmental Solutions

Wooden Pallets image

Pallet Reclaim Services

Companies dispose of millions of reusable wooden pallets each year. Disposal of these pallets contributes to a significant volume of waste that overburdens landfills. Understandably, a significant waste stream can also represent exorbitant disposal and transportation costs for your organization.
Avanza can assess your pallet waste stream and partner with your organization in establishing a cost-effective and streamlined pallet reclaim program. Our pallet reclaim program will produce immediate savings for your overall waste services program and contribute, in a broader sense, to our planet’s sustainability by reducing the demand for newly cut lumber.
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Metal Recycling

Although most metals can be recycled without degradation of essential metallic properties, it is unfortunate that only a fraction of these metals are, in fact, ever recycled. Each year, companies dispose, often improperly, of millions of tons of metals that should be competently recycled. These industrial firms incur significant waste service expenditures and could be unintentionally contaminating storage facilities on or near their own industrial site.
Avanza can professionally evaluate your firm’s metal waste stream and develop a viable recycling strategy that will contribute to significant reduction in metal waste, minimize disposal costs, and culminate in a positive impact on the regional environment.

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